Seaweed Shroom Sage Salt


Seaweed Shroom Sage Salt


I grew soooo much beautiful sage in my garden this year, and I ALSO fell in love with Irish Sea Moss. What is Irish Sea Moss you ask? It’s a red algae called Chondus crispus which has some really remarkable benefits. Stabilizing blood sugar, full of gut bacteria loving fiber, heart healthy, high in iron, antioxidants, protein, the amino acid taurine, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus to name a few.

Now I LOVE minerals and I LOVE to acquire both vitamins and minerals from food sources.  I like to salt my food with a high quality salt.  I like herbs, and I like to pamper my immune system with medicinal mushrooms.

I thought, “why not just put all of these things together so that I could reap the benefits at the same time”, so I did!

This salt blend features my FAVORITE SALT, Reishi & Lion’s Mane Mushroom, Irish Sea Moss, Kelp, Dulse, and homegrown Sage.  Packed in a glass jar so that you can sprinkle it onto food in lieu of plain salt, into soups, strews, or on any meal.  

The flavor is of the sea, and of the garden.  Each jar is 2 oz, glass, and reusable.  

So get you a helping of minerals, flavor, and immune system lovin’ all at the same time!

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