*Wild Bruja Academy officially begins it’s second year and will open again to new members on August 1st, 2024.

New participants are vetted to ensure a good fit. If you are interested in joining me, please join my waitlist. Make sure you read this page in it’s entirety prior to joining my waitlist. Those who join the waitlist and wish pay the full year’s tuition upfront will receive a discount code for $100 off. That’s a $200 savings compared to my monthly payment plan option. Thanks, and I look forward to working with you!


Hello fellow human. If you are here it is because you are curious about learning with me, and I am honored! Wild Bruja Academy is the an intimate, community-based twelve month offering. We are together for an entire year, and it’s a unique process that I have grown to love!

Wild Bruja Academy is for women who want to return to nature and learn how to create and thrive in their natural environment. You’ll learn about plants, herbalism, making healthful remedies and preparations for yourself, your friends and your family. The topics that we cover extend into lifestyle choices, relationships, cooking, cleaning, and daily life. I offer a library of videos and articles that you can dive into immediately upon signing up. You will have a direct line to me and our community on a daily basis. We will share what we are doing and making in our private group chat. From help identifying plants to questions asked to clarify things— we’re all here. I hold a monthly Zoom meeting where we all connect. It’s a special process and a place to be witnessed. Yes, there will be LIVE virtual workshops that you can attend throughout the year. Yes, we have a private Instagram page where we have a library of LIVE videos to watch, and where I go LIVE several times per week. It’s pretty cool!

This is for those who wish to incorporate old ways into modern times. Hands in the soil, feet on the ground, hair in the breeze, sun in the eyes, having a HUMAN experience TOGETHER WITH nature, not separate from. It’s about taking the time necessary— not about quick and fast. It’s about learning from the process, not the end result. Keep reading if you’re feeling fired up!

Wild Bruja Academy is about common sense solutions to natural, cyclical living with a critical mind. This process is intended to help you discover answers that work for you and to sharpen your senses. I prioritize my health and self-care in ways that nourish my whole being. The ways that I achieve that change with the seasons. Yes, I’m taking about myself. Hi, I’m Leilani— and I’ve been living this way for a long time. I’d like to help YOU do that, too.

It makes sense that you would want to connect to the land—it’s what humans do. Our survival and health are closely linked to nature— as we too are literally nature. I get not wanting to trust “so-called” health experts. I understand feeling angry that you’ve been lied to and being unclear on what to do to help yourself. It’s perfectly reasonable that you are curious about the plants that grow around you and want to know them, and that intuitively you are attracted to them. They are our kin and part of our natural environment after-all.

It’s so obvious to me why others feel called to extend their human experience outside of themselves and into nature. It’s as predictable as the sunrise, the seasons, birth and death. Our energetic bodies are doing what they were designed to do: perceive and feel. Despite our attempts to outsmart nature— wield it, or manipulate it—nature is already a fully functioning miraculous system where true magic actually exists (and you’re already part of it). When you place a tiny seed in the soil and it grows into a tree that can feed animals and humans alike, provide shade and shelter, and witness generations of time go by— that is a miracle. Nature is a teacher, and we are ALL here (including me) because we have heard the call, and have decided to answer it. Not a day goes by that I regret living a life in service to people and plants, with gratitude.

Wild Bruja Academy is a love letter. It is a living, breathing, functional body of work that continues to grow each week. The plants work in mysterious ways. I think that they actually grow US— not the other way around. As a nature-obsessed person, it brings me great joy to highlight the plants. To study them. To be in their company. To dance together seasonally, to drink in their mystery, to allow their intelligent forms of nourishment to inform my human experience. Again, I am not the only one. I am a human, and once upon a time humans and plants were much better acquainted.

Life happens in the flow.  Preparations and the plants that are worked with change with the seasons.  What we make, how we move, how we dress— these all fluctuate month to month as the sun moves about the sky. What we are doing in the spring looks very different than what we are doing in the summer, fall, and winter.  We are nature.  Our needs differ as our outside environment changes.  This is the same as with all plants, animals, and all of the Earth realm.

Energetics, frequency, whole plants, ancestral nourishment, and all of nature’s cycles are just some of the sources of primary medicine that I utilize. Community, connection, movement— these are all integral to foundations of my health.

The first year that I offered this experience, I attempted to focus solely on herbalism. I quickly realized that with all that is going on in the world and in these specific times, I not only wanted to but needed to expand.

Yes, you will be able to join along and learn from and with me— a working/ living herbalist, week by week— as I share my craft of herbalism, videos and writing about specific plants, how-to-create a wide variety of preparations, and lessons of many kinds… but that is just scratching the surface.

I’ll be sharing the why’s, how’s, and applications of all that I do, and YOU will have a direct line to me with the ability to participate as much as you desire. You witness my actual life, and I witness yours. You need to participate to get the most out of this experience. Ask questions. I am HERE, for REAL.

We will cover so many things including but certainly not limited to herbal oils, tincture making, tallow butters, herbal oral care, herbal teas, classes of herbs, plant families, poultices, salves and balms, nourishing herbal infusions, decoctions, syrups, infused vinegars, herbal skin care protocol’s, how to properly grow, store, and source herbs, herbal hair care, wound care, first aid, and dive into any herbal topic that you’d like to discover.

We will also dive deeper learning about the specific plants that we will be working with.  I will teach you how to go out into your OWN environment, take responsibility for what and how you learn, and meet your local flora. You’ll receive information on how to work with certain plants, their important chemical actions and how they impact the body, when to choose certain herbs, why I work with them, their various applications, and tips for growing them or where to find them in the wild.

You’ll learn ethical wildcrafting practices and gardening trial and error.  You’ll learn to decide which core plants to include in your home garden and home apothecary.  What I share will always be in the flow and changes weekly as my craft relates to the seasons.

You’ll be learning how to incorporate herbs into meals, how to make nourishing broths, stews, and brews.  We’ll discuss how to ensure that you will be nourished adequately— with the assistance of a vast array of herbs.

Let’s get into more of the specifics of how Wild Bruja Academy operates:

I create and you receive, and then you participate and share back, and we will spiral as such weaving a web of life, information, and create together. We will create lasting bonds through curiosity, vulnerability, and community. In our private group we can discuss anything you wish (life, current events, womanhood, herbalism, cooking, housekeeping, gardening, sustainability, fermentation, the list is endless), and I will be available daily to answer your questions and walk you through when I have wisdom to share.

Here is our framework:

  • New pieces of written content (I call them articles) will hit our private online portal where everything is organized. You may read them at your leisure. You will be notified each time something new hits our portal.

  • I go LIVE often on our exclusive Instagram page to teach and share. Depending on the time of year I may be processing herbs, organizing my apothecary, cooking, making chai, the list goes on…. You have a window into my lifestyle, and you can interact with me if you wish.

  • Longer-form videos will hit our portal as they are made- spotlighting a variety of topics & complete profiles of specific plants.

  • Each month we meet together LIVE on ZOOM on the third Sunday to discuss what we are all currently making, to have a group Q&A session, and to share. The meetings are recorded and archived so that you may re-watch them.

I use the tools that I have at my disposal— doing the best I can to share and create in these times while working to stay true to my connections to nature. I do not have a team of people working with me to make anything happen. I am not a celebrity nor do I want to be. I am humble, somewhat shy, shy, but I feel that this work is important and it challenges me to step outside of my comfort zone to be of service. YOU are my team, actually.

If you are hoping to become acquainted with plants, creating herbals, to understand herbal applications, and wish to have daily and weekly access to someone who has been living the lifestyle and working in the field for years, and also wish to be connected to fellow herbalists and women who are learning and wish to speak and be witnessed in authentic community….. welcome.

I should mention that this group is for adults. I am a woman and therefore my embodied experience is from a woman’s experience. We cover a wide range of topics, and sometimes discuss current events with colorful language. I hold many traditional, conservative values and I value family and honesty. Follow me on Instagram for a while if you are wondering what I’m like or hit my DMs and ask me direct questions. I am very forward and honest. You’ll always know where I stand or how I feel.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me prior to signing up. If you are ready to join us, let’s go. I’m excited to meet you and get started.

As you view and read content, you can always reach out to me via comments on posts, email, IG, or Telegram with questions.  I want you to get as much out of this experience as possible! You are embodied, and your direct relationships with the natural world are dependent on your participation in the physical realm.

When you sign up, you will receive instant access to lots of exclusive content which includes but is not limited to the following:


  • IG LIVE: My “Wildcrafting Rule Of Three”

  • Nutritive Herbs

  • Making Nourishing Herbal Infusions Part 1

  • Making Nourishing Herbal Infusions Part 2

  • St. John’s Wort & Tincture-Making

  • How To Make St. John’s Wort Herb-infused Oil & Infused Tallow

  • Yarrow & How-To Make Yarrow Tincture

  • Motherwort Harvest & Tincture Making

  • IG LIVE: All About Comfrey

  • Finding Self Heal

  • The Incredible Elder

  • Passionflower/ Sacred Medicinal Vine

  • Pennyroyal

  • Intro To Chamomile

  • Echinacea- Nature’s Antibiotic

  • Tulsi!

  • IG LIVE: Making Herbal Vinegars

  • How To Make Fire Cider

  • IG LIVE: Tea Talk: Chai, Respiratory, and A Nutritive Coffee Substitute

  • How To Make Fragrant Facial Oils.

  • IG LIVE: Making Mead

  • IG LIVE: A Brief History Of Herbs & Drugs

  • IG LIVE: Making Plantain Salve

  • IG LIVE: Situational Herbalism

  • IG LIVE: Soapnut/Soapberry Shampoo Making

  • IG LIVE: Major Organs


  • 15 more IG LIVE videos in which I process herbs, rant n’ ramble, and garden!


That’s OVER FOURTY recorded offerings to dive into immediately.

You’ll also have INSTANT ACCESS to the following written content plus more that I haven’t added here yet:

  • 10 Nourishing Herbs To Get To Know

  • All About Burdock & Why I Loathe The Word “Detox”

  • Introducing Stinging Nettle

  • Active Constituents/ An Introduction

  • Four Amazing Amphoteric Herbs.

  • Demystifying Decoctions

  • Syrup Making and Cough Syrups

  • 10 Medicinal/ Edible Plants To Forage In The Fall

  • Usnea, Multifaceted Lichen

  • Witch Hazel Tightens!

  • What Is Your Magic Made Of?


  • Lifestyle Hacks To Counter Inflammation

and more!

All participants will gain access to our private IG page, will be invited to our weekly ZOOM meetings, & can join our private Telegram group which includes myself and our apprentice community.

You can absolutely ask questions via any platform (IG, Telegram, or during ZOOM meetings) regarding ANY content within the academy.

This experience is intended to be a fun and interesting way to learn about plants, incorporate herbalism and nature into your life, learn how to confidently make your own herbals at home, express your authentic self in community— and hey…. maybe you’ll make some friends along the way. We keep things super human, and no question is stupid. This is a kind a respectful place where we can witness one another and we learn and grow.

If the learning schedule that I’ve outlined above as well as the description of the way this process functions interests you, you may enjoy being a part of this unique process!

If the Wild Bruja Academy sounds exciting to you, I would absolutely love to have you.

Please reach out with any questions if you have them via the form on the bottom of the Q&A page of my website.

— Leilani

“People & plants together with gratitude has been my motto since the very beginning, and I am so excited to create in service to that.  Thank you. I hope to create long-lasting magic that can be passed on for generations to come.”


For 12 months
One time

Spend the next year immersed in a cyclical learning flow with Leilani, a working herbalist. From harvesting to creating handcrafted herbals to tips and tricks of the trade, no topic is off the table. New content is added each week as the academy goes with the flow of the seasons.

✓ Monthly ZOOM calls with Leilani and other alumni
✓ Weeking IG LIVES with demos & conversation
✓ Private chat group with Q & A and discussions
✓ Hours of instructional and plant-related video content
✓ A library of herbalism & wellness-related articles