Brew At Home Mouth Rinse


Brew At Home Mouth Rinse


You ever use that tongue-stinging blue mouthwash garbage and think, “Dernit- I sure do wish someone made a mouthwash that was made with herbs that were beneficial to the gum tissue, didn’t sting like an army of wasps, didn’t disrupt my microbiome, and wasn’t made in a factory and stored in plastic.”

Well, now you don’t have to think about it anymore. I done did all the leg work for ya, and you play a part, too.

Pour the contents of this magical pouch into a quart-sized glass mason jar, fill it with boiling water, let it sit until it returns to room temp, strain, and BOOM- herbal mouthwash. You can store it in the fridge, freeze any excess, and even add your favorite tincture (may I suggest Yarrow) to prolong its lifespan.

My blend contains wildcrafted flowering Yarrow, pennyroyal, and coyote mint, organic oregano, peppermint, and homegrown Rosemary. Fresh as your breath will be.

Inspired by me cringing every time my partner reached for the icky blue stuff. Now I want to kiss him even more. ❤️

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